OMR sheet Fill UP for Assam Direct Recruitment 2022
Instructions For candidates :
1. No candidate will be allowed to appear in the Examination Hall without Admit Card and it should be produced before the Invigilator when asked.
2. Every Candidate has to carry at least one photo identity card issued by Governmental Authority for matching photo with name.
3. No candidate will be allowed to enter or leave the Examination Hall during the examination hours unless directed to do so.
4. Any book, paper, cell phone, calculator or any electronic gadget or objectionable materials are not allowed in the Examination Hall. Candidates are allowed to bring only
Admit Card, ball-point pen, Photo Identity Cards and credit/debit Cards inside/into in the Examination Hall. There will not be any provision for deposit of Mobile
Phone/Electronic items etc. Candidate are directed not to bring any prohibited items with him.
5. Candidate will have to keep all his/her belongings and materials outside the Examination Hall at his/her own risk.
6. Any candidate found using unfair means or violating the above or any of the Examination rules shall be disqualified and action will be taken as per norms.
7. Candidate should clearly write his/her Roll No. in the space provided in the Question Booklet only.
8. Read the question carefully before marking the right answer in the appropriate circle/bubble of the OMR Answer-Sheet.
9. Only one circle/bubble, either (A), (B), (C) or (D) is to be darkened completely for each answer on the OMR Answer-Sheet.
10. Candidate should not make any stray marks on the OMR Answer-Sheet.
11. Candidate should not staple, fold, pin, wrinkle or damage the OMR Answer-Sheet.
12. Scratching, overwriting, tick marking, multiple answering will be considered as wrong answer.
13. Candidates will have to sign twice. Once in the Attendance/Roll Sheet presented by the Invigilator on duty after taking their seats in the Examination Hall, and the other,
at the time of handing over their Question Booklet and OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator after completion of the Examination. Cases where a candidate has not
signed and not submitted the OMR Answer Sheet and the Question Booklet after the Examination is over, he/she shall be treated as absent.
14. Candidate should do all the necessary Rough Work on the Question Booklet in the space provided. Rough Work should not be done on the Answer-Sheet or on any
other paper. If any Rough Work is done on the Answer-Sheet, the Answer-Sheet will not be assessed.
15. There will be one single OMR Answer-Sheet with pre printed roll no and photo for all the questions. No extra Answer-Sheet will be provided for any mistake
or correction. Before use the candidate has to ensure that it belongs to him only.
16. The OMR Answer-Sheet will be provided along with the Question Booklet. Candidate should fill up the particulars in the OMR Answer-Sheet, i.e, Question Booklet No.,
Question Booklet Code, etc, carefully.
17. The test is of 2 hours duration and will consist of 135 questions.
18. The candidate should use blue/black ball-point pen only for writing particulars on this page/marking responses in the OMR Answer-Sheet.
19. The candidate should make sure that the corresponding Question Booklet Code is properly written/shaded in the OMR Answer-Sheet by him/her. For
example, if the candidate gets Question Booklet Code 'A', then he/she should fill up 'A' in the box provided in the OMR Answer-Sheet and also shade the
circle 'A' in the OMR Answer-Sheet. In case of any discrepancy in the Question Booklet, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement.
20. Question Booklet will consist of 135 Multiple-choice Type questions (MCQs), all carrying 1 mark each.